BURNT DIRT Masterclass – Art Kintsugi wrapped up

Thank you everyone for joining our workshop in Clay Wollongong for Burnt Dirt master class series. 

We  look forward to seeing you again. 

Workshop schedule 

6th July 2024  12 – 4pm

Workshop ended

Venue :  BURNT DIRT  at  Clay Wollongong

“Burnt Dirt is a new artist run initiative based in the Illawarra region that aims to push the boundaries of object and ceramic art. It is an initiative run by artists, for artists”

What is Kintsugi?

Kintsugi is a century-old Japanese craftwork where broken ceramic objects are pieced back together using lacquer and gold dust based on the philosophy of Wabi Sabi finding beauty in imperfection.

The process transforms much loved, worn items into a beautifully crafted, new piece of art. It is a chance to live a more sustainable way and to rescue objects which would otherwise be discarded.

About the Workshop

In this 4 hours handson workshop, you will learn the Art Kintsugi method, following the principal of ancient Kintsugi but utilising  accessible alternative materials (such as resin and gold metal) which enable us to complete the process within the class.

The process includes the repair of damaged pieces (broken, cracked, missing fragments), preparation of the surface, then a decorative finish with  lacquer and gold metal powder.

At the end of the class, you will take home a piece of your own Kintsugi art piece. 



Class is suitable over 18 years old. 

Not suitable for a pregnant person

You will be repairing a ceramic piece we prepare. 

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