About The Designer


Yoko studied interior design in London 1990s. During the time she also traveled extensively around the world which experience has let her to design and create her original range of interior products that narrate each local stories within, and embrace the surrounding space.

She then moved  her base in Sydney and set up her art studio where she designed SQUARE+ROUND Washbasin using porcelain tiles imported from Japan which was shortlisted for Etsy Awards in 2016.

Her works combine elements of handcraft and material technology, an approach which reflects her cross-cultural background   ”Unity of Opposites” wabi & sabi aesthetic, mathematical perfection, boldness and elegance, tradition and innovation, streamlines and curves….. Square and Round. Recent years, as well as collaboration with Tajimi tile artisans in Japan for new product rang, Yoko is expanding her creative skills and practicing Japanese traditional art and craft of Kintsugi and Makie which she also teaches in workshops. 


その後はオーストラリアに拠点を移し、現在はシドニーのアートスタジオで作品、‘Square + Round’ シリーズのシンクの制作をメインに活動を展開。‘Square + Round’ とは、四角と丸のタイルの組み合わせによって作られたシンクで、剛健・エレガント、伝統・モダン、勅撰美・曲線美、侘び・寂びという対極的な要素が計算されたバランスの中で共存している。

このタイルを使った‘Square + Round’シリーズの制作が発展する形で、多治見の磁器タイルをアレンジして作品に取り入れている他、金継ぎと蒔絵も習得中。その技術をワークショップで教えるなど活動の幅を広げている。

About the designer