Unbroken – HAGAR global campaign

a heartful project we have been working together for almost a year. ⁡
⁡We are pleased to share the story with you. Please also share and help to make our world safer and happier, and support the survivors of humnan trafficking, slavery andabuse.⁡


@ddbhongkong ⁡
@toddstuartsculptor ⁡
@mainarterysculpture ⁡
@ben_coope ⁡
@leap_films ⁡
@bradleyjconomy ⁡
@davesheerman ⁡
@caitlinlopez__ ⁡
@christelchong ⁡
@monstermousestudios ⁡

There are more slaves in the world today than ever before. They often fall back into a cycle of exploitation because not enough is being done to help them after they’ve been freed. Is there anything we can do about it?

@hagarintl is helping survivors heal and recover from years of trauma — putting their lives back together.

Let’s work with Hagar and take the first step to break the cycle of modern slavery for good.

Donate at hagarinternational.org

#HagarInternational #HagarUnbroken

Unbroken – HAGAR global campaign

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